Transaction Details Report

Returns a list of all chargeback, RDR, refund, and sale transactions, including shopper and payment details. Data is delayed by approximately 3 hours

Report Columns



  • The Custom Field columns that display in this report are optional.
  • The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
  • All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
  • Some columns in this report display data that is calculated and generated every 24 hours. The values for these columns will only be displayed once they are available.
Column NameDescription
3DS AuthenticationIf the transaction was successfully authenticated using 3D Secure, the value is Yes. Otherwise, the value is No.
Auth. Currency*3-digit code of the currency charged to shopper.
Auth Invoice IDA unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each Auth transaction.
BIN Card TypeCredit or Debit
BIN CountryThe country where the payment card was issued.
BIN Issuer OrganizationThe bank that issued the shopper's payment card.
BIN NumberBank identification number. The first 6 digits of the shopper's payment card.
BlueSnap Processing Fees (%)The percentage processing fee charged by BlueSnap for processing this transaction.
BlueSnap Processing Fees (Fixed)The set processing fee charged by BlueSnap for processing this transaction.
BlueSnap Processing Fees (USD)The fees charged by BlueSnap for processing this transaction.
Card NetworkApplies to Credit Card Payment Type only. (ex. Amex, Discover, Mastercard, Visa).
Company NameThe shopper's company name.
ContractThe contract purchased by the shopper. Applicable for merchants using the BlueSnap contract catalog.
Contract IDA unique value assigned to each contract created in the BlueSnap product catalog.
Coupon CodeIf applicable, the code of the coupon the shopper used during checkout.
Expiration DateThe expiration date of the shopper's payment card.
First NameThe shopper's first name.
Invoice ID*A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each captured sale, refund, or chargeback.
Last 4 DigitsThe last 4 digits of the shopper's payment card.
Last NameThe shopper's last name.
Merchant Base CurrencyIf merchant's base currency is not exotic, value will be the 3-digit currency code; otherwise, value will be USD.
Merchant Sales (Auth Currency)The order value less any VAT or Tax collected by BlueSnap. The value provided is in the Auth Currency.
Merchant Sales (Base Currency)The order value (in Merchant Base Currency) less any VAT or Tax collected by BlueSnap.
Merchant Transaction ID*A unique value sent by the merchant with a transaction request.
Meta-<The MetaData Key>Displays new report columns when metadata keys are used; for example, if the metadata keys are Name, City, and Country, each of those keys will display as a column. The values in each row will be taken from the metadata values sent with each transaction, which correspond to the relevant key, such as Name=Dan.
Multiple Vendor DataApplies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. Value is a comma-separated string of all vendor IDs and names associated with the transaction.
For example: “1111111 (vendor1) , 2222222 (vendor2)”.
On Demand Charge DescriptionThe description of the merchant-managed subscription charge. This value is passed to BlueSnap in the Create Merchant Managed Subscription Charge request.
Original Invoice IDApplies to recurring charges, refunds, and chargebacks. For recurring charges, the value provided is the invoice ID for the first charge of the subscription. For refunds and chargebacks, the value is the Invoice ID for the sale being refunded or disputed.
Payment FrequencyApplies to SKU Type Recurring only. The value is the recurring charge schedule frequency (Weekly, Monthly, Annual, etc.).
Payment ID*A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each payout.
Payment SubtypeSubtypes of "Online banking" payment type.
Payment Type*Credit Card, PayPal, ACH, etc.
PayPal EmailThe Paypal email used for the transaction (if the Payment Type is PayPal).
PayPal Processing Fees (USD)The fees charged by PayPal for processing this transaction (if the Payment Type is PayPal).
PayPal Transaction IDThe unique transaction ID from PayPal for this transaction (if the Payment Type is PayPal).
Product*The product purchased by the shopper. Applicable for merchants using the BlueSnap product catalog.
Product IDA unique value assigned to each product created in the BlueSnap product catalog.
Purchase DateApplies to Refund and Chargeback Transaction Types only. The value is the Transaction Date for the Sale being refunded or disputed.
QtyThe product quantity purchased by the shopper. Refunds are indicated with Qty -1.
Recurring Cycle GroupOne Time, First Time, or Recurring. One Time means the transaction is not a subscription charge. First Time is applied to the first subscription charge. Recurring is applied to all subsequent subscription charges.
Recurring Cycle NumberApples to SKU Type Recurring only. The value is the number of recurring charge. For example, the 4th recurring charge of a subscription will have recurring cycle number 4.
Refund/Chargeback ReasonApplies to Refund and Chargeback Transaction Types only. The value is either the refund reason as submitted by the merchant or the chargeback reason provided by BlueSnap.
Region**Region where deposit is processed (**only available for merchants on regional payout).
Regulated IssuerY or N; Specifies if the BIN is regulated.
Shopper CountryThe shopper's country.
Shopper EmailThe shopper's email address.
Shopper First NameThe shopper's first name.
Shopper IDA unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper.
Shopper Last NameThe shopper's last name.
Shopper StateThe shopper's state.
SKU Type*One-Time or Recurring.
Soft DescriptorThe order description as it appears on the customer's account statement.
Transaction DateFor Sales, the value equals the date the funds were captured. For refunds, the value equals the date the refund was issued. And for chargebacks, the value is the date the chargeback is received by BlueSnap.
Transaction Time (PST)*Time of the transaction on the Transaction Date.
Transaction Type*Potential Values:

- Chargeback
- Refund
- Sale
Vat/TaxThe amount of VAT or Tax collected by BlueSnap with the order.
Vendor/Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency)Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. Any amounts owed to Affiliates or Vendors from the transaction.
Vendor/Affiliate ID*Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each marketplace vendor or affiliate. A value in this column means one vendor or affiliate is associated with the transaction. If this is empty and Vendor/Affiliate Name states MULTIPLE VENDORS, then the transaction includes 2 or more vendors. Refer to Multiple Vendor Data for the CSV of all vendors associated with the transaction.
Vendor/Affiliate Name*Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. The name of the vendor or affiliate associated with a specific transaction. If the transaction includes 2 or more vendors, the value is MULTIPLE VENDORS. Refer to Multiple Vendor Data for the CSV of all vendors associated with the transaction.

Parameter Names

  • Contracts
  • Currency
  • From date
  • Invoice ID
  • Merchant Transaction ID
  • Payment ID
  • Payment type
  • Period
  • Products
  • Region (only available for merchants on regional payout)
  • SKU Type
  • To date
  • Transaction Type
  • Vendor/Affiliate