3DS Stats Report

This report returns conversion statistics for 3D secure authentications vs. processor conversions, as well as a 3D Secure results breakdown for the chosen time period. Data is delayed by approximately 3 hours. The amounts presented are in USD using interbank rates at the time of the transaction.

This report contains 6 sections:

Cart Abandonment During 3DS Authentication

Column NameDescription
3DS Authentications Abandoned Amount3DS authentications abandoned USD amount.
3DS Authentications Abandoned CountCount of transactions abandoned during 3DS authentication.
Abandonment Rate by AmountPercent of abandoned transactions by the transaction amount.
Abandonment Rate by CountPercent of abandoned transactions by the transaction count.
MerchantMerchant, identified using the merchant ID.
Sent to 3DS for Authentication AmountUSD amount for transactions sent to 3DS for authentication.
Sent to 3DS for Authentication CountThe total number of transactions sent to 3DS for authentication.

Processing Rate of 3DS Authenticated Transactions

Column NameDescription
3DS Successful Authentications AmountUSD amount for 3DS successful authentication events.
3DS Successful Authentications CountTotal number of successful 3DS transactions.
3DS Successful Authentications Successfully Processed AmountUSD amount for 3DS successful authentication events that were successfully processed.
3DS Successful Authentications Successfully Processed CountTotal number of 3DS successful authentication events successfully processed.
MerchantMerchant, identified using the merchant ID.
Processing Success Rate by AmountProcessing success rate % by amount.
Processing Success Rate by CountProcessing success rate % by count.

Processing Rate of Transactions that Failed 3DS Authentication

Column NameDescription
3DS Unsuccessful Authentications AmountUSD amount for 3DS unsuccessful authentication events.
3DS Unsuccessful Authentications CountTotal number of unsuccessful 3DS transactions.
3DS Unsuccessful Authentications Successfully Processed AmountUSD amount for 3DS unsuccessful authentication events that were successfully processed.
3DS Unsuccessful Authentications Successfully Processed CountTotal number of 3DS unsuccessful authentication events successfully processed.
MerchantMerchant, identified using the merchant ID.
Processing Success Rate by AmountProcessing success rate % by amount.
Processing Success Rate by CountProcessing success rate % by count.

3DS Authentication Bypassed

Column NameDescription
3DS Bypassed Authentications AmountUSD amount for 3DS bypassed authentication events.
3DS Bypassed Authentications CountTotal number of bypassed 3DS transactions.
3DS Bypassed Authentications Successfully Processed AmountUSD amount for 3DS bypassed authentication events that were successfully processed.
3DS Bypassed Authentications Successfully Processed CountTotal number of 3DS bypassed authentication events successfully processed.
MerchantMerchant, identified using the merchant ID.
Processing Success Rate by AmountProcessing success rate % by amount.
Processing Success Rate by CountProcessing success rate % by count.

3DS Results Statuses Count

Column NameDescription
3DS Authentication BypassedTotal number of bypassed 3DS transactions.
3DS Authentication FailureTotal number of failed 3DS transactions.
3DS Authentication IncompleteTotal number of incomplete 3DS transactions.
3DS Authentication SuccessTotal number of successful 3DS transactions.
3DS Authentication UnavailableTotal number of unavailable 3DS transactions.
MerchantMerchant, identified using the merchant ID.

"Authentication Unavailable" Breakdown by Reason

Column NameDescription
Reason3DS transaction error description.
Number of EventsTotal number of events.

Parameter Names

  • From date
  • Period
  • To date