Stopped Fraud Report
Returns transactions that were declined due to your AVS or CVV rules, as well as transactions that were stopped and not sent for authorization due to your fraud settings, 3D Secure authentication failure, or BlueSnap's proprietary fraud detection logic. Use this report to analyze the impacts of any changes to your fraud rules, as well as determine how to modify thresholds in the future. Data is delayed by approximately 3 hours.
Report Columns
- The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
- All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
Column Name | Description |
Amount (Local) | The total order value provided in the authorization currency. |
Amount (USD) | The total order value provided in USD. |
Auth Currency | 3-digit code of the currency charged to the shopper. |
Company Name | The shopper's company name. |
Credit Card Type | The network associated with the shopper's payment card. American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, etc. |
Decline Detail | The specific rule or threshold that was triggered (see below). If Decline Reason is "BlueSnap Fraud Rules", "Fraud Check Error", or "Fraud Rule Triggered" this value is empty. |
Decline Reason* | 3D Secure, AVS/CVV Rules, Custom Decline Threshold, Custom Review Threshold, Decline Fraud Rules, Fraud Check Error, Review Fraud Rules. |
Fraud Reference ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each fraud decline. |
Kount Transaction ID | A unique value assigned by Kount to each transaction. |
Last 4 Digits | The last 4 digits of the shopper's payment card. |
Shopper Country | The shopper's country. |
Shopper Email | The shopper's email address. |
Shopper First Name | The shopper's first name. |
Shopper ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper. |
Shopper Last Name | The shopper's last name. |
Status | Value will be Decline. |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was submitted to BlueSnap. |
Transaction Type* | Card Verification, Payment |
Decline Detail Values
The value below is for a decline due to the email velocity decline threshold, which was set to allow one order per email (within a time frame). Because a shopper attempted the second purchase using the same email within the time frame, the order was declined.
Description and Mapping
The table below provides the code, name, and description of decline details.
Code and Name | Description |
blacklistIpCountryDecline Device IP Country Decline List | Decline the transaction if the Device IP Country matches any of the values selected. |
blacklistNetworkTypeDecline Network Type Decline List | Decline the transaction if the Network Type used by a shopper's device matches any of the values selected. |
blacklistPaymentCountryDecline Payment Country Decline List | Decline the transaction if the BIN Country matches any of the values selected. A BIN or Bank Identification Number can be either the first 4 or 6 digits of a credit card number. The BIN represents the location of the bank that issued the payment card Note: BIN Country is only available when Credit Cards are used for the transaction. |
blacklistShippingCountryDecline Shipping Address Country Decline List | Decline the transaction if the Shipping Address Country matches any of the values selected. |
cardPtokAuthAVelocityDecline Credit Card with Bank Auth=Approve 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions with the same Credit Card with a bank auth of approve in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
cardPtokAuthDVelocityDecline Credit Card with Bank Auth=Decline 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions with the same Credit Card with a bank auth of decline in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
cardPtokVelocityDecline Credit Card 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions (attempted or completed) with the same Credit Card in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
deviceFingerprintAuthAVelocityDecline Device Fingerprint with Bank Auth=Approve 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions with the same Device Fingerprint with a bank auth of approve in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
deviceFingerprintAuthDVelocityDecline Device Fingerprint with Bank Auth=Decline 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions with the same Device Fingerprint with a bank auth of decline in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
deviceFingerprintVelocityDecline Device Fingerprint 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions (attempted or completed) with the same Device Fingerprint in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
deviceIpVelocityDecline Device IP 1 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions (attempted or completed) with the same Device IP in the last hour exceeds the value specified. |
deviceToBillingAddressDecline Device IP to Billing Distance Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the Device IP to Billing Distance (in Kilometers) exceeds the value specified. |
emailVelocityDecline Email Address 24 Hour Count Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the number of transactions with the same Billing Email Address in the last 24 hours exceeds the value specified. |
highRiskDecline High Fraud Risk Decline Filter | Every order is scored from 0 to 99 by our system, where 0 is the least risky and 99 is most risky. If enabled, this rule declines transactions with a score greater than 89. |
orderTotalDecline Order Total Amount Decline Threshold | Decline the transaction if the Order Total Amount (in USD pennies) exceeds the value specified. For example: for a limit of $10 you need to specify 1000. |
paymentCountryDeviceCountryNotMatchDecline Payment Country and Device Country No-Match Decline Filter | Mark the transaction for Decline if the Payment Country and Device Country are not an exact match. |
paymentCountryIpCountryNotMatchDecline Payment Country and IP Country No-Match Decline Filter | Mark the transaction for Decline if the Payment Country and IP Country are not an exact match. |
riskScoreDecline Kount Risk Score Decline | Decline the transaction if the Kount Risk Score is higher than the specified value |
Parameter Names
- Decline Reason
- From date
- Kount Transaction Type
- Period
- To date
Updated 5 months ago