Launch & Get Paid



If you reached this page without first going through the Merchant Application, Implementation, and Testing steps, go to Getting Started.

Great job! You've set up your BlueSnap integration, and now it's time to get ready for launch.

Prepare for launch

Use this checklist to make sure your BlueSnap account is ready to process live transactions. Remember to think about your shoppers.

1. Enable payment methods

Verify that all payment methods you want to support are enabled on the Payment Methods page.

2. Set up your statement descriptor

The statement descriptor is how your customers identify charges on their billing statement. Your descriptor should be something that your shoppers closely associate with your business. For example, you can use your business name and a shopper support phone number. It can also include additional information, such as the product name.

You should set a default statement descriptor for your account, and you can also define descriptor per product or dynamically per transaction, depending on whether you are using the API or BlueSnap Checkout. For additional guidance, refer to Statement Descriptor.

3. Update emails and IPN settings

We use emails and IPNs to update you for various payment-related events, such as Sales, Chargebacks, Payouts, and Declined Charges. Verify that your email and IPN settings are correct to ensure you are prepared to handle these and other events.

To learn about how to set up and use IPNs, see IPN (Webhook) Overview.

4. Implement Device Data Collector (API only)

Merchants using our API must use Device Data Collector, a critical component of our fraud prevention capabilities. This tool greatly improves BlueSnap’s ability to detect fraudulent transactions by gathering device-specific information about your shoppers. Be sure you have configured this.



Device Data Collector does not apply when collecting payments using BlueSnap’s Hosted Payment Page.)

5. Migrate existing data

When you switch to BlueSnap, you can bring any existing shopper data along with you, including their credit card details. You do not need to recollect payment details and recreate shopper records. We’ll work with your current provider to securely migrate your data so you never have to handle it yourself. If you ever decide to leave, we’ll also export your data to another PCI Level 1 provider. For more information, refer to Data Migration.

Get Paid

1. Enter your bank account information (required)

Let us know how you want to get paid! Make sure you enter your banking information in the Payout Method settings, so we can transfer money into your account.

2. Set minimal payout amount

The BlueSnap payout fee varies by payment method. The minimal payout amount ensures that your deposit amounts are always appropriate relative to the cost of receiving them.

3. Set up refund operating account

Your refund operating account ensures that you always have funds in your BlueSnap account whenever you need to issue a refund. We recommend that all merchants and vendors have a refund operating account.

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