
Create and manage one-time and ongoing discounts for subscriptions

Coupons provide flexible discount and redemption options to help streamline your subscription management.

Create a new coupon

  1. In the Settings screen, click Coupons.
  2. In the Coupons screen, click New Coupon in the top-right of the screen.
  3. Enter the coupon settings.
  4. Click Save in the top-right of the screen.

Coupon settings

Coupon CodeThe description that will appear on the invoice.
DurationHow long the discount should be applied to the subscription. This can be set to one-time, forever, or a specified period of occurrences (such as "the first 3 months").
Amount off This sets the discount to be applied as a specific value discount (such as $100.00 off).
Percent offThis sets the discount to be applied as a percentage of the total (such as 15% off).
RedemptionHow many times the coupon can be used.
Expiration Date & TimeWhen the coupon is no longer valid.
ItemThe product or service that this coupon is logged against.
CurrencyThe type of currency/payment accepted.

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