
To access your account settings, click your initials at the bottom of the left navigation panel and then click Settings.
The following tiles are available.

PreferencesSet up and modify settings for your AR Automation account.
Company ProfileShows your company information as it will be displayed to your customers.
Multiple Company EntitiesLets you handle multiple entities from a single AR Automation account.
CadencesRule-based customer communication and automated workflows.
CouponsThese create and manage one-time and ongoing discounts for subscriptions.
PlansSubscription plans are the basis of all subscriptions for your most common product and service packages.
ItemsThis is the list of your product and services.
Tax RatesList of available tax rates.
InvoicesSet default terms, notes number and invoice template.
Late FeesAutomatically computes and applies late fees.
TemplatesCreates and manages templates for emails, documents, and quotes.
Custom FieldsThese track custom data for customers, invoices, or payments.
Measured unitsTrack usage data from usage-based items.
SegmentsThese create smart lists and tags to segment customers, invoices, and other information into groups.

Configure approval rules and work flows.