Payment API
Learn about BlueSnap's Payment API
BlueSnap's Payment API is the ideal solution for a merchant who wants to manage the shopper experience from start to finish. This simple but powerful tool allows you to create the checkout experience you want, while BlueSnap manages the heavy lifting of successfully completing the transaction.
"amount": 50.00,
"softDescriptor": "DescTest",
"cardHolderInfo": {
"firstName": "test first name",
"lastName": "test last name",
"zip": "02451"
"currency": "USD",
"creditCard": {
"expirationYear": 2018,
"securityCode": 111,
"expirationMonth": "02",
"cardNumber": 4111111111111111
"cardTransactionType": "AUTH_CAPTURE"
- Developer-centric, REST-based API, platform-agnostic
- Create a custom payment flow
- BlueSnap's Android SDK enables you to easily accept credit card and PayPal payments directly from your Android app and then process the payments via the Payment API
- Intelligent Payment Routing sends transactions to the best banks to ensure maximum payment success
- Vaulted payment information
- Use with Hosted Payment Fields (SAQ A) to minimize PCI-compliance burden
When you're ready to begin
Let your developer try out the API in our Developer Hub, and then build your integration.
When your integration is ready, then just Launch & Get Paid!
Updated 10 months ago