Test plan for Fraud

As a merchant, you want to test your BlueSnap integration to ensure your customers have a flawless experience.

Before you begin

  • Compile a list of test cards with their details. Be sure to include cards that should result in success as well as cards that should fail. If you need to, you can use these.

Test Scenarios

AVS and CVV rules

To test your AVS and CVV rules, go through the following scenarios.

Scenario    Test
  1 Test with valid card number, a valid expiration date, but an invalid CVV number.
  2 Test AVS with a valid card but an incorrect address.

Portfolio and Custom fraud prevention services

To test the Portfolio and Custom fraud prevention services, go through the following scenarios.

Scenario    Test
  1 Simulate an approval by doing any of the following:
  • Add approve to billing city.
  • Set shipping zip code to 88888.
Note: Custom fraud prevention thresholds will be overriden.
  2 Simulate a decline by doing any of the following:
  • Set email to decline@test.com.
  • Set billing city to KADIMA-ZORAN.
  3 Custom fraud prevention service: Test a fraud threshold by sending a transaction that violates that threshold. For example:
  1. Set Order Total Amount Decline Threshold to 99.
  2. Send a transaction for $2.00.

Complete fraud prevent service

To test the Complete fraud prevention service, configure your Kount sandbox environment rules, and go through the following scenarios.

Scenario    Test
  1 Test an approval.
  2 Test a decline.
  3 Test a transaction requiring review.

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