BlueSnap Checkout Errors

Error MessageDescription
UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRYCountry is Not Supported
IFRAMEApp Cannot Reside in an iframe
LIMIT_EXCEEDEDCard limit has exceeded. Please try again with a different card or payment method.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSInsufficient funds. Please try again with a different card or payment method.
INVALID_FIELDInvalid Field: {fieldName}
INVALID_CARDInvalid card number. Please try again.
INVALID_CVVInvalid CVV. Please try again.
INVALID_EXPInvalid expiration date. Please try again.
INVALID_QUANTITYInvalid quantity. Please check quantity and try again.
NO_SUBSCRIPTIONSNo active subscription has been found. Please contact customer support.
CHECK_INFOOops, something went wrong. Please check your payment information and try again.
DIFFERENT_CARDOops, something went wrong. Please choose a different card or payment method.
DIFFERENT_PMOops, something went wrong. Please choose a different payment method.
PAYMENT_FAILUREPayment failed. Please check your payment information. If the issue persists, please try a different card or payment method.
CONTACT_SUPPORTOops, something went wrong. Please contact customer support.
SELECT_PMOops, something went wrong. Please select your payment method.
TRY_AGAINOops, something went wrong. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact customer support.
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTIONTransaction has cancelled. Duplicate transaction has been detected.


Unable to complete the transaction. Please contact customer support.
DATA_MISMATCHFields mismatch. Please check your data.