Declined Transactions Report
Returns a list of declined credit and debit card transactions with decline reason, payment details, and shopper information. This is useful when you need to identify the shoppers of declined payments to resolve the issue. Use the Decline ID to cross-reference with the Declined Authorizations Detailed Report.
This report does not display multiple contracts/products per line. If the invoice that was declined includes multiple contracts/products, the invoice report line will display only one of them. Data is delayed by approximately 3 hours.
Report Columns
- The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
- All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
Column Name | Description |
Amount (Auth Currency) | The total order value provided in the authorization currency. |
Amount (Local) | The total order value provided in local currency. |
Amount (USD) | The total order value provided in USD. |
Auth Currency | 3-digit code of the currency charged to the shopper. |
BIN Card Type | Credit or Debit. |
BIN Country | The country where the payment card was issued. |
BIN Issuer Organization | The bank that issued the shopper's payment card. |
BIN Number | Bank identification number. The first 6 digits of the shopper's payment card. |
Charge Type | First Time Sale or Renewal. |
Company Name | The shopper's company name. |
Contract (SKU) ID | A unique value assigned to each contract created in the BlueSnap product catalog. |
Contract (SKU) Name | The contract purchased by the shopper. |
Credit Card Type | The network associated with the shopper's payment card. American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, etc. |
Decline ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each decline. |
Decline Reason | The reason the transaction was declined. |
Last 4 Digits | The last 4 digits of the shopper's payment card. |
Merchant Transaction ID | A unique value sent by the merchant with a transaction request. |
Metaβ<The MetaData Key> | Displays new report columns when metadata keys are used; for example, if the metadata keys are Name, City, and Country, each of those keys will display as a column. The values in each row will be taken from the metadata values sent with each transaction, which correspond to the relevant key, such as Name=Dan. |
Payment Type* | Apple Pay, Credit Card (includes Visa Checkout). |
Product ID | A unique value assigned to each product created in the BlueSnap product catalog. |
Product Name | The product purchased by the shopper. Applicable for merchants using the BlueSnap product catalog. |
Regulated Issuer | Y or N; Specifies if the BIN is regulated. |
Shopper Country | The shopper's country. |
Shopper Email | The shopper's email address. |
Shopper First Name | The shopper's first name. |
Shopper ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper. |
Shopper Last Name | The shopper's last name. |
Soft Descriptor | The order description as it appears on the customer's account statement. |
Status | This report includes only transactions with the status Declined. |
Subscription ID | Subscription ID |
Transaction Date | The date the transaction was submitted to BlueSnap. |
Transaction Time (PST) | The time (PST) the transaction was submitted to BlueSnap. |
Vendor/Affiliate ID* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each marketplace vendor or affiliate. A value in this column means a vendor or affiliate is associated with a specific transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate Name* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates. The name of the vendor or affiliate associated with a specific transaction. |
Parameter Names
- From date
- Payment type
- Period
- To date
- Vendor/Affiliate
Updated about 1 year ago