An account number, card number, or expiration date has been updated. Or the account was closed.
Contact the cardholder for updated information |
Parameter List
- accountId
- accountUpdaterLineId
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- creditCardType
- linkedSubscriptions
- originalCreditCardExpirationMonth
- originalCreditCardExpirationYear
- originalCreditCardLast4Digits
- responseDate
- responseMessage
- sellerShopperId
- transactionType
- updatedCreditCardExpirationMonth
- updatedCreditCardExpirationYear
- updatedCreditCardLast4Digits
- updatedCreditCardType
there is an update to a shopper's original ACH information.
Parameter List
- accountId
- accountType
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- linkedSubscriptions
- originalPublicAccountNumber
- originalPublicRoutingNumber
- responseDate
- responseMessage
- sellerShopperId
- transactionType
- updatedPublicRoutingNumber
a trial subscription for a zero amount is initiated. Auth Only is a request to check whether a credit card is valid and has the funds to complete a specific transaction (i.e. purchase). It does not actually run a charge on the card, but does temporarily hold the funds aside. It can also be run with a 0 charge value. |
Parameter List
an Auth_Only API call is successful. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- binCategory
- city
- company
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- templateId
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
a customer requests to cancel a subscription that is set to auto renew. The subscription will be cancelled automatically at the end of the subscription period. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cancelRenewal
- city
- company
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRefNum
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
a recurring charge is cancelled. The cancellation can be initiated by the customer, merchant, or BlueSnap. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cancelledContractId
- cancelReason
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- coupon
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceCountry
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductName{N}
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
a subscription is cancelled and a refund is processed. |
Parameter List
a credit card payment for an initial charge fails (for both one-time and subscription purchases).
Note: This does not apply to recurring charge failures. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardSubType
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- email
- errorProcessingCode
- extension
- failureReason
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- proccessorCode
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- state
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vatId
- workPhone
- zipCode
the status of a shopper's stored card has changed.
Parameter List
- accountId
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- firstName
- lastName
- requestingParty
- status
- statusChangeDate
a new purchase has been completed. This applies to both one-time charges and recurring charges. |
Parameter List
a shopper challenges a transaction with their issuing bank, who then initiates the chargeback process. This lets you address the issue. |
Parameter List
Chargeback Representment Upload API is successful. |
Parameter List
- caseNumber
- chargebackId
- cycle
- dateSuccessfullySubmitted
- merchantId
- merchantName
- status
an event is received from Chargebacks911 that does not open a new chargeback. |
Parameter List
an ACH or SEPA Direct Debit payment is initially received. (After the payment has processed a CHARGE IPN is sent.) |
Parameter List
- 3dStatus
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountAccountName
- bankAccountAccountNumber
- bankAccountBranch
- bankAccountBSBNmber
- bankAccountFinancialInstutition
- binNumber
- bluesnapManualFee
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- captureReferenceNumber
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardSubType
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- ecpPublicAccount
- ecpPublicRouting
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
the contract associated with a recurring charge or a subscription contract is replaced with another contract, such as a customer moving from one service plan to another. |
Parameter List
a transaction is rejected due to payment processing or review process. |
Parameter List
a payout transfer fails. If you receive this notification, there was a payout issue and you will not receive your funds on time. Contact BlueSnap Merchant Support to have them correct your payout information. |
Parameter List
- amount
- currency
- destination
- merchantId
- payeeName
- payeePhoneNumber
- payeeEmail
- paymentId
- vendorId
a transaction is declined due to fraud. |
Parameter List
- 3dStatus
- amount
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- currency
- email
- firstName
- fraudDeclineDate
- lastName
- paymentType
- transactionType
a merchant has been successfully onboarded. |
Parameter List
- accountCanProcess
- merchantEmail
- merchantId
- merchantName
- payoutStatus
- sandboxId
the processing or payout status of a merchant changes. |
Parameter List
- accountCanProcess
- merchantEmail
- merchantId
- merchantName
- payoutStatus
an offline order (via Local Bank Transfer or Wire) is placed. |
Parameter List
- address1
- address2
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- couponCode
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- lastName
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- orderAmountUSD
- orderChargeAmount
- orderChargeCurrency
- orderId
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- state
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- workPhone
- zipCode
there is a successful update to a payment method. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardAddress1
- creditCardAddress2
- creditCardCity
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardFirstName
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardLastName
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- creditCardZipCode
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- nextChargeDate
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paymentType
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- regulatedCard
- shopperOrderUrl
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
an update to a payment method has failed. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardAddress1
- creditCardAddress2
- creditCardCity
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardFirstName
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardLastName
- creditCardType
- creditCardZipCode
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- nextChargeDate
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent to the merchant each time BlueSnap issues a payout (deposit). If you have multiple payout currencies, they are all included in a single payout IPN.
Note: If there are insufficient funds for a payout, no payout notification is sent. |
Parameter List
- amount[N]
- currency[N]
- destination
- merchantId
- paymentCycleEndDate
- paymentCycleStartDate
- paymentId
- vendorId
- vendorName
a payment refund is initiated and when a pending refund is deleted after 3 months of unsuccessful processing attempts. |
Parameter List
a new Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) transaction is created or reversed. |
Parameter List
a charge has been made for a subscription contract. Only for the second and subsequent charges. The first payment is treated as a standard charge (CHARGE IPN). |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- chargeDescription
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- offlineOrderId
- oldContractId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContractsNum
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
a refund is issued. |
Parameter List
each time a subscription reminder email should be sent to a shopper for renewal of their subscription. Use the IPN information to send a reminder email to your customer about their upcoming subscription renewal payment. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bankAccountNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- daysTillPaymentDue
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paymentURL
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- reminderNumber
- routingNumber
- sendStatus
- state
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- zipCode
a recurring payment fails for a shopper's subscription. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- cardSubType
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- email
- errorProcessingCode
- extension
- failureReason
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastAttempt
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- numberOfAttemptsDone
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- proccessorCode
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- routingNumber
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent for each order if the merchant selected "Review all orders" in general account settings. |
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- binCategory
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- email
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmount
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceMobilePhone
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent to the merchant each time a vaulted shopper is created or updated. |
Parameter List
- vaultedShopperId
- merchantShopperId
- firstName
- lastName
- country
- state
- address
- address2
- email
- zipCode
- phone
- companyName
- shopperCurrency
- personalIdentificationNumber
- threeDSecure
- chosenPaymentMethod
- paymentType
- dateCreated
Sent to the Marketplace Merchant when a Payout Detail report is available for a vendor.
Parameter List
- amount[N]
- currency[N]
- destination
- merchantId
- paymentCycleEndDate
- paymentCycleStartDate
- paymentId
- payoutCycle
- payoutPlannedDate
- vendorId
- vendorName
Sent to the Marketplace Merchant when:
Change to vendor's account, payout, or processing statuses.
A vendor is created/updated with missing required vendor information. |
Parameter List
- vendorAccountOpenedDate
- vendorAccountStatus
- vendorAccountStatusChangedDate
- vendorId
- vendorMissingFields
- vendorName
- vendorPayoutDeclineReason
- vendorPayoutStatus