All IPNs Name Reference
The sections below describes all IPNs (webhooks) that BlueSnap offers, including the IPN name, trigger description, and associated parameters. For a complete list of all IPN parameters, refer to the IPN parameter reference.
To enable IPNs, refer to Enabling IPNs in BlueSnap.
An account number, card number, or expiration date has been updated. Or the account was closed.
Contact the cardholder for updated information.
Parameter List
- accountId
- accountUpdaterLineId
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- creditCardType
- linkedSubscriptions
- originalCreditCardExpirationMonth
- originalCreditCardExpirationYear
- originalCreditCardLast4Digits
- responseDate
- responseMessage
- sellerShopperId
- transactionType
- updatedCreditCardExpirationMonth
- updatedCreditCardExpirationYear
- updatedCreditCardLast4Digits
- updatedCreditCardType
There is an update to a shopper's original ACH information.
Parameter List
- accountId
- accountType
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- linkedSubscriptions
- originalPublicAccountNumber
- originalPublicRoutingNumber
- responseDate
- responseMessage
- sellerShopperId
- transactionType
- updatedPublicRoutingNumber
BlueSnap created a document request as part of the merchant onboarding process. A document request means that BlueSnap requires additional information about the merchant that you are onboarding as an embedded partner.
A trial subscription for a zero amount is initiated. Auth Only is a request to check whether a credit card is valid and has the funds to complete a specific transaction (i.e. purchase). It does not actually run a charge on the card, but does temporarily hold the funds aside. It can also be run with a 0 charge value.
Parameter List
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- binCategory
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
An Auth_Only API call is successful.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- binCategory
- city
- company
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- templateId
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A customer requests to cancel a subscription that is set to auto renew. The subscription will be cancelled automatically at the end of the subscription period.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cancelRenewal
- city
- company
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRefNum
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A recurring charge is cancelled. The cancellation can be initiated by the customer, merchant, or BlueSnap.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cancelledContractId
- cancelReason
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- coupon
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceCountry
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductName{N}
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A subscription is cancelled and a refund is processed.
Parameter List
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cancelReason
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- purchaseDate
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- reversalAmount
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A credit card payment for an initial charge fails (for both one-time and subscription purchases).
This does not apply to recurring charge failures.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardSubType
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- errorProcessingCode
- extension
- failureReason
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- proccessorCode
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- state
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vatId
- workPhone
- zipCode
The status of a shopper's stored card has changed.
Parameter List
- accountId
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- firstName
- lastName
- requestingParty
- status
- statusChangeDate
A new purchase has been completed. This applies to both one-time charges and recurring charges.
Parameter List
- 3dStatus
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- avsResponse
- avsSent
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapManualFee
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- brazilianId
- bsbNumber
- captureReferenceNumber
- cardSubType
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardSubType
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- cvvResponse
- cvvSent
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- homePhone
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmount
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceInfoUrl
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceMobilePhone
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- issuerAuthCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- mobilePhone
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- overridePrice
- paymentMethod
- paymentType
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperAdminUrl
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- username
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorCommissionPercent (if absolute amount isn’t available)
- vendorCurrency
- vendorLocalAmount (if percentage is available)
- vendorUsdAmount (if percentage is available)
- vendorId
- vendorName
- walletType
- workPhone
- zipCode
A shopper challenges a transaction with their issuing bank, who then initiates the chargeback process. This lets you address the issue.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cancelReason
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- cbStatus
- chargebackId
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dateDue
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- purchaseDate
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- reversalReason
- reversalRefNum
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- sourceInvoiceCaptureDate
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Chargeback Representment Upload API is successful.
Parameter List
- caseNumber
- chargebackId
- cycle
- dateSuccessfullySubmitted
- merchantId
- merchantName
- status
An event is received from Chargebacks911 that does not open a new chargeback.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cancelReason
- cbStatus
- chargebackId
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- purchaseDate
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- reversalReason
- reversalRefNum
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
An ACH or SEPA Direct Debit payment is initially received. After the payment has processed a CHARGE IPN is sent.
Parameter List
- 3dStatus
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountAccountName
- bankAccountAccountNumber
- bankAccountBranch
- bankAccountBSBNmber
- bankAccountFinancialInstutition
- binNumber
- bluesnapManualFee
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- captureReferenceNumber
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardSubType
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- ecpPublicAccount
- ecpPublicRouting
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
The contract associated with a recurring charge or a subscription contract is replaced with another contract, such as a customer moving from one service plan to another.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- authkey
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- failureReason
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- newProductId
- oldContractId
- oldCustom[N]
- oldProductId
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- resultCode
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A transaction is rejected due to payment processing or review process.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- captureStatus
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- declineReason
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
a payout transfer fails. If you receive this notification, there was a payout issue and you will not receive your funds on time. Contact BlueSnap Merchant Support to have them correct your payout information.
Parameter List
- amount
- currency
- destination
- legalEntity[N]
- merchantId
- payeeName
- payeePhoneNumber
- payeeEmail
- paymentId
- vendorId
A transaction is declined due to fraud.
Parameter List
- 3dStatus
- amount
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- currency
- firstName
- fraudDeclineDate
- lastName
- paymentType
- transactionType
A merchant has been successfully onboarded.
Parameter List
- accountCanProcess
- merchantEmail
- merchantId
- merchantName
- payoutStatus
- sandboxId
The processing or payout status of a merchant changes.
Parameter List
- accountCanProcess
- merchantEmail
- merchantId
- merchantName
- payoutStatus
An offline order (via Wire) is placed.
Parameter List
- address1
- address2
- authkey
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- couponCode
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- lastName
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- orderAmountUSD
- orderChargeAmount
- orderChargeCurrency
- orderId
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- state
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- workPhone
- zipCode
There is a successful update to a payment method.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- binCategory
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardAddress1
- creditCardAddress2
- creditCardCity
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardFirstName
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardLastName
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- creditCardZipCode
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- nextChargeDate
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paymentType
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- regulatedCard
- shopperOrderUrl
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
An update to a payment method has failed.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- city
- company
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- creditCardAddress1
- creditCardAddress2
- creditCardCity
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardFirstName
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardLastName
- creditCardType
- creditCardZipCode
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- nextChargeDate
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent to the merchant each time BlueSnap issues a payout (deposit). If you have multiple payout currencies, they are all included in a single payout IPN.
If there are insufficient funds for a payout, no payout notification is sent.
Parameter List
- amount[N]
- currency[N]
- destination
- legalEntity[N]
- merchantId
- paymentCycleEndDate
- paymentCycleStartDate
- paymentId
- vendorId
- vendorName
A payment refund is initiated and when a pending refund is deleted after 3 months of unsuccessful processing attempts.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmount
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceInfoUrl
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- plimusNode
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- purchaseDate
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- refundReserveAccountBalance
- remoteAddress
- reversalAmount
- reversalReason
- reversalRefNum
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- status
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].amount
- vendor[N].id
- workPhone
- zipCode
A charge has been made for a subscription contract. Only for the second and subsequent charges. The first payment is treated as a standard charge (CHARGE
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- chargeDescription
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardSubType
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- offlineOrderId
- oldContractId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContractsNum
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
A refund is issued.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- bankAccountNumber
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- purchaseDate
- quantity
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- remoteAddress
- reversalAmount
- reversalReason
- reversalRefNum
- routingNumber
- sepaIban
- sepaMandateDate
- sepaMandateId
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Each time a subscription reminder email should be sent to a shopper for renewal of their subscription. Use the IPN information to send a reminder email to your customer about their upcoming subscription renewal payment.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bankAccountNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- daysTillPaymentDue
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paymentURL
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- reminderNumber
- routingNumber
- sendStatus
- state
- subscriptionId
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- zipCode
A recurring payment fails for a shopper's subscription.
Parameter List
- accountId
- address1
- address2
- bankAccountNumber
- binCategory
- binNumber
- bluesnapNode (or plimusNode)
- bsbNumber
- cardCategory
- cardIssuingCountry
- cardIssuingOrg
- cardSubType
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- currency
- custom{N}
- daysTillCancelDate
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- errorProcessingCode
- extension
- failureReason
- faxNumber
- firstName
- language
- lastAttempt
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- metaDataKey
- numberOfAttemptsDone
- originalRefNum
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- proccessorCode
- productId
- productName
- quantity
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- routingNumber
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent for each order if the merchant selected Review all orders in general account settings.
Parameter List
- accountId
- additionalChargeAmount[N]
- additionalChargeCategory[N]
- additionalChargeName[N]
- address1
- address2
- armadilloHardwareId
- authkey
- binCategory
- city
- company
- contractChargePrice
- contractId
- contractLocalPrice
- contractName
- contractOwner
- contractPrice
- country
- coupon
- couponChargeValue
- couponCode
- couponValue
- creditCardExpDate
- creditCardLastFourDigits
- creditCardType
- cardCategory
- custom{N}
- dpanExpDate
- dpanLastFourDigits
- EDWAmount
- EDWAmountUSD
- EDWContractId
- EDWPeriod
- EDWSurcharge
- EDWSurchargeUSD
- extension
- faxNumber
- firstName
- invoiceAddress1
- invoiceAddress2
- invoiceAmount
- invoiceAmountUSD
- invoiceChargeAmount
- invoiceChargeCurrency
- invoiceCity
- invoiceCompany
- invoiceCountry
- invoiceEmail
- invoiceExtension
- invoiceFaxNumber
- invoiceFirstName
- invoiceMobilePhone
- invoiceLastName
- invoiceLocalAmount
- invoiceLocalCurrency
- invoiceState
- invoiceTitle
- invoiceUrl
- invoiceWorkPhone
- invoiceZipCode
- language
- lastName
- licenseKey
- merchantTransactionId
- offlineOrderId
- originalRequestUrl
- paymentMethod
- paypalSubscriptionId
- paypalTransactionId
- personalId
- productId
- productName
- promoteContract
- promoteContractId{N}
- promoteContract
- promoteContract
- promoteContractName{N}
- promoteContractOwner{N}
- promoteContractPrice{N}
- promoteContractQuantity{N}
- promoteContractsNum
- promoteProductId{N}
- promoteProductName{N}
- promoteSubscriptionId{N}
- quantity
- recurringDisclaimer
- referenceNumber
- referrer
- regulatedCard
- remoteAddress
- shippingAddress1
- shippingAddress2
- shippingCity
- shippingCountry
- shippingFirstName
- shippingLastName
- shippingMethod
- shippingState
- shippingZipCode
- shopperOrderUrl
- state
- subscriptionId
- targetBalance
- taxAmountUSD
- taxChargeAmount
- taxRate
- templateId
- testMode
- title
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- untilDate
- vatId
- vendor[N].id
- vendor[N].name
- vendorId
- vendorName
- workPhone
- zipCode
Sent to the merchant each time a vaulted shopper is created or updated.
Parameter List
- vaultedShopperId
- merchantShopperId
- firstName
- lastName
- country
- state
- address
- address2
- zipCode
- phone
- companyName
- shopperCurrency
- personalIdentificationNumber
- threeDSecure
- chosenPaymentMethod
- paymentType
- dateCreated
Sent to the Marketplace Merchant when a Payout Detail report is available for a vendor.
Parameter List
- amount[N]
- currency[N]
- destination
- merchantId
- paymentCycleEndDate
- paymentCycleStartDate
- paymentId
- payoutCycle
- payoutPlannedDate
- vendorId
- vendorName
Sent to the Marketplace Merchant when:
- Change to vendor's account, payout, or processing statuses.
- A vendor is created/updated with missing required vendor information.
Parameter List
- vendorAccountOpenedDate
- vendorAccountStatus
- vendorAccountStatusChangedDate
- vendorId
- vendorMissingFields
- vendorName
- vendorPayoutDeclineReason
- vendorPayoutStatus
Updated about 1 month ago