Active Subscriptions Report
Returns a list of all subscriptions that are currently active. Data is delayed by approximately 3 hours.
Report Columns
- The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
- All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
Column Name | Description |
Auth. Currency* | 3-digit code of the currency charged to shopper. |
Auto Renew* | Indicates if the subscription is set to Auto Renew. |
Company Name | The shopper's company name. |
Contract Name* | The contract purchased by the shopper. Applicable for merchants using the BlueSnap contract catalog. |
Email Address | The shopper's email address. |
First Name | The shopper's first name. |
Invoice ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each captured sale, refund, or chargeback. |
Last Charge Date | The date of the most recent charge on the subscription. |
Last Name | The shopper's last name. |
Merchant Transaction ID (MTI) | A unique value sent by the merchant with a transaction request. Note that it is the last updated MTI value of the subscription. |
Next Charge Date | The date of the next charge on the subscription. |
PayPal Billing Agreement ID | A unique value assigned to each billing agreement with PayPal. |
PayPal Subscription ID | A unique value assigned by PayPal to each subscription purchase with PayPal. |
Price (Auth. Currency) | The amount of the last charge, displayed in the local currency. |
Product Name* | The product purchased by the shopper. Applicable for merchants using the BlueSnap product catalog. |
Shopper ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper. |
Subscription Creation Date | The date the subscription was created. |
Subscription ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each subscription. |
Vendor/Affiliate ID* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each marketplace vendor or affiliate. A value in this column means a vendor or affiliate is associated with the transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate Name* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. The name of the vendor or affiliate associated with a specific transaction. |
Parameter Names
- Auto Renew
- Contracts
- Currency
- From date
- Last Charge Period
- Products
- To date
- Vendor/Affiliate
Updated over 1 year ago