Payments Optimization FAQs
In which countries does local currency help the most?
Presenting in local currency is when a merchant charges a customer in the currency local to them. Many merchants instead charge in the currency local to their business, which has negative impacts including:
- Higher cart abandonment due to the cardholder not knowing the final cost.
- Higher rate of declines from the cardholders’ banks due to perceived risk.
- Higher billing inquiries from cardholders confused by converted amounts on statements.
- Higher chargebacks from cardholders seeing a price they didn’t agree to on their statements.
Based on our global internal data, cardholders’ issuing banks approve transactions in local currency at a rate that is 12% higher than non-local currency, on average.
Local currency is recommended for all countries, but these 20 countries see the biggest % lift:
- Argentina (ARS)
- Australia (AUD)
- Austria (EUR)
- Chile (CLP)
- Czech Republic (CZK)
- Denmark (DKK)
- Hungary (HUF)
- Indonesia (IDR)
- Israel (ILS)
- Malaysia (MYR)
- Mexico (MXN)
- Norway (NOK)
- Philippines (PHP)
- Romania (RON)
- Saudi Arabia (SAR)
- South Africa (ZAR)
- Sweden (SEK)
- Switzerland (CHF)
- Turkey (TRY)
- Viet Nam (VND)
Does BlueSnap support 8-digit BINs?
Yes, BlueSnap supports 8-digit BINs. In addition, we continue to support 4- and 6-digit BINs.
Can the BuyNow checkout pages pass parameters to the success page?
Yes. To do this, you set up a URL to send a shopper to a specific success page once the shopper completes a purchase. You can then use URL parameters to pull values from the checkout page so you can show them on your success page. For example, you could include the parameters for the shopper’s name and email, and these parameters are automatically populated with the actual values from the checkout page. For more information, refer to Redirect after a purchase.
Do you support partial captures?
Yes. BlueSnap supports partial captures for card transactions. To have this capability enabled, contact your Implementation Specialist or Merchant Support. For more details on how to perform partial captures, visit the Developer Hub.
A fee is charged for each capture.
How can I see information for the cards I process with BlueSnap?
You can view many card details using our Retrieve Card Info API Request.
What if I have to issue a refund?
We support full and partial refunds through the Merchant Portal or through the API.
Do you support Level 2/3 data?
Yes. BlueSnap supports Level 2/3 data in the Payment API. For complete details, refer to the Level 2/3 Data guide in the Developer Hub.
Does BlueSnap support Open Banking?
(Coming Soon) BlueSnap will be taking advantage of the PSD2 requirement for banks to create APIs that allow third parties like BlueSnap to initiate payments directly against a consumer’s bank account. When a customer chooses this new payment type, they will be redirected to their bank’s online portal to complete the transaction.
Updated 4 months ago