IPN Parameter Reference
# & A
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
3dStatus |
String Possible values:
3D Secure status IPNs:
accountCanProcess |
Yes, No, or Pending |
Specifies if the merchant account can process transactions. IPNs:
accountId |
Number |
BlueSnap account ID assigned to the shopper. IPNs:
accountType |
String |
Indicates the account type. IPNs:
accountUpdaterLineId |
Number |
Unique identifier of the update. IPN: Account Updater |
Number |
Acquirer Reference Number IPN: Chargeback File Uploaded |
additionalChargeAmount[N] |
Number |
Amount of additional charge. The index refers to the same number as the corresponding additionalChargeCategory and additionalChargeName. IPNs:
additionalChargeCategory[N] |
String |
Name of the additional charge category. The index indicates the category number. IPNs:
additionalChargeName[N] |
String |
Name of the additional charge. IPNs:
address1 |
String |
Shopper's address line 1 and 2. IPNs:
amount |
Number |
The amount of the transaction. Example: 1234.56. IPNs: Failed Payout Transfer and Fraud Decline |
amount[N] |
Number |
Indicates the amount per currency for each payout. The index associates the amount to the corresponding payout currency. IPNs: Payout and Vendor Report Available |
armadilloHardwareId |
Number |
Sent if the account has an armadillo ID. IPNs:
authkey |
Empty unless the Data Protection Key is set up, in which case the value of the parameter is:
For Account Updater the value is: |
This enables merchants to ensure the IPN originates from BlueSnap, as only BlueSnap knows the secret password set up by the merchant in the control panel. IPNs:
avsResponse |
String |
Indicates the AVS response. IPN: Charge |
avsSent |
Y/N |
Indicates whether AVS details were sent. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
bankAccountAccountName |
String |
bankAccountBranch |
String |
bankAccountBsbNumber |
String |
bankAccountFinancialInstitution |
String |
bankAccountNumber |
String |
binCategory |
String Possible values:
Indicates whether the card is used for business expenses or personal expenses. IPNs:
binNumber |
Number |
Bank identification number. The first 6 digits of the shopper's payment card. IPNs:
bluesnapManualFee |
Number |
Shows the amount, in USD, of any manual fee that was charged by BlueSnap. This amount is already included within invoiceAmountUSD. IPN: Charge |
bluesnapNode (also appears as plimusNode) |
Number Possible values:
BlueSnap datacenter that processed the transaction and is storing the information. IPNs:
brazilianId |
String |
Applicable if the shopper is located in Brazil. Value is the shopper's personal identification (CPF/CNPJ) number. IPN: Charge |
bsbNumber |
String |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
cancelledContractId |
String |
The cancelled contract ID. IPN: Cancellation |
cancelReason |
String |
The reason the subscription was cancelled. IPNs:
cancelRenewal |
Y/N |
Indicates whether the renewal is cancelled. IPN: Cancel on Renewal |
captureReferenceNumber |
Number |
BlueSnap reference number for the capture. IPN: Capture |
captureStatus |
String |
Appears only if the capture has failed. IPN: Decline |
cardCategory |
String |
Indicates whether card was business, prepaid, etc. IPNs:
cardIssuingCountry |
String |
The country where the payment card was issued.
cardSubType |
String |
Card sub-type, such as credit or debit. IPN: Charge |
caseNumber |
String |
Represents the case number assigned by the card brand/bank. IPN: Chargeback File Uploaded |
cbStatus |
String Possible values:
Chargeback status. IPNs: Chargeback and Chargeback Status Changed |
chargeDescription |
String |
Specifies the description passed in the <charge-description> element of the Create Subscription Charge request web
service. For more details see Subscriptions. IPN: Recurring |
chargebackId |
String |
The Chargeback 911 case number IPNs:
city |
String |
Shopper's city and company name. IPNs:
contractChargePrice |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Price of contract in the shopper's currency. The price is per unit and does not include coupon discounts, balance carry-over, etc. IPNs:
contractLocalPrice |
Number |
Price of contract in shopper's local currency. If local currency is supported for the charge, the value should be the same as contractChargePrice. IPNs:
contractId contractName contractOwner |
String |
BlueSnap Contract ID.
contractPrice |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Contract price per unit. Does not include coupon discounts, balance carry-over, etc. IPNs:
country |
String |
Shopper country code. IPNs:
coupon |
Y/N |
Indicates whether the shopper used a coupon. IPNs:
couponChargeValue |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Coupon value in USD. IPNs:
couponCode |
String |
Coupon code used. IPNs:
couponValue |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Coupon value in USD. IPNs:
creditCardAddress1 creditCardAddress2 creditCardCity creditCardCountry creditCardZipCode |
String |
Credit card address information provided by the shopper. IPNs: Payment Updated and Payment Update Failure |
creditCardExpDate creditCardLastFourDigits |
Number |
Expiration date and the last four digits of the credit card being used for payment of purchase. IPNs:
creditFirstName creditLastName |
String |
Shopper's first name and last name, as printed on the credit card. IPNs: Payment Updated and Payment Update Failure |
creditCardType |
String |
Type of credit card (for example: AMEX, VISA, etc.). IPNs:
currency |
String |
Three-digit currency code. IPNs:
currency[N] |
String |
Three-digit currency code. The index ([N]) associates the currency to the corresponding payout amount. IPNs: Payout and Vendor Report Available |
custom{N} |
String |
Data selected or entered in the transaction for the custom field defined for the contract. parameter name is extracted from the 'Title' field of the corresponding 'Custom Field'. For example, title label for custom1 = Gender. Gender is passed in the IPN. IPNs:
cvvResponse |
String |
Indicates the CVV response. IPN: Charge |
cvvSent |
Y/N |
Indicates whether CVV details were sent. IPN: Charge |
cycle |
String |
5. A 1-digit integer with the following potential values:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
dateDue |
yyyy-mm-dd |
The last day that the merchant can dispute the chargeback. IPNs:
dateSuccessfullySubmitted |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Date the file was successfully uploaded. IPNs:
daysTillCancelDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Number of days until the scheduled subscription cancellation date, which is based on the grace period defined for the contract. IPNs:
daysTillPaymentDue |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Number of days until the scheduled subscription payment is due. IPN: Subscription Reminder |
declineReason |
String |
Includes the decline reason code and description. IPN: Decline |
destination |
String |
ID of the account(s) where the funds are sent. IPNs: Failed Payout Transfer, Payout, and Vendor Report Available |
dpanLastFourDigits dpanExpDate |
String |
Last four digits of device account number. Example: 11%2F2025 ("%2F" in UTF-8 encoding is "/") Note: These parameters are relevant for Apple Pay transactions. IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
ecpPublicRouting |
String |
ECP Account number and Routing number. IPN: Charge Pending |
String |
Shopper's email address. IPNs:
errorProcessingCode |
String |
Error code. IPNs:
extension |
String |
Shopper's work phone extension. IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
failureReason |
String |
Reason for the failure. IPNs:
faxNumber |
String |
Shopper's fax number. IPNs:
firstName |
String |
Shopper's first name. IPNs:
fraudDeclineDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Date of the fraud decline. IPN: Fraud Decline |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
homePhone |
String |
Shopper's home phone number. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
invoiceAddress1 invoiceAddress2 invoiceCity invoiceState invoiceCountry invoiceZip |
String |
Address information on the invoice IPNs:
invoiceAmount invoiceAmountUSD |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Amount in USD on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceChargeAmount |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Charged amount (in shopper's local currency) on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceChargeCurrency |
String |
Currency the Customer was billed in on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceCompany |
String |
The company billed on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceEmail |
String |
Email address on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceFaxNumber |
String |
Fax number on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceFirstName invoiceLastName |
String |
Shopper's first and last name on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceInfoURL |
String |
Returns link to order_locator_info.jsp page. IPNs:
invoiceLocalAmount |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Total amount of the order in the shopper's local currency. If local currency is natively supported for the charge, this is the same as the invoiceChargeAmount. IPNs:
invoiceLocalCurrency |
String |
Shopper's selected currency for the order. If local currency is natively supported for the charge, this is the same as the invoiceChargeCurrency. IPNs:
invoiceMobilePhone |
String |
The shopper's mobile phone number on the invoice. IPN: Charge |
invoiceTitle |
String |
Shopper's title on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceUrl |
String |
Direct URL to the purchase page on the invoice. IPNs:
invoiceExtension invoiceWorkPhone |
String |
Work phone and extension on the invoice. IPNs:
issuerAuthCode |
Alphanumeric |
Bank authorization code of the original transaction. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
language |
String |
Language of the BuyNow page. IPNs:
lastAttempt |
Y/N |
Indicates whether subscription charge retry was the last attempt. IPN: Subscription Charge Failure |
lastName |
String |
Shopper's last name. IPNs:
legalEntity[N] |
String |
Identifies the payout region. The index [N] associates the payout region to the corresponding currency[N]. IPNs:
licenseKey |
String |
License key supplied to the shopper. IPNs:
linkedSubscriptions |
String |
Sent when responseMessage is 501 - Account closed. Contains all the subscription IDs linked to the credit card. IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
merchantEmail |
String |
Merchant email address IPN:
merchantId |
Number |
The merchant identification number (MID) is a unique number assigned to the merchant by BlueSnap. IPNs:
merchantName |
String |
Merchant name IPN:
merchantShopperId |
String |
A unique shopper ID assigned to the merchant. IPNs: Vaulted Shopper |
merchantTransactionId |
Number |
The merchant transaction identifier (MTI) is a unique number assigned by a merchant to identify a transaction throughout the course of processing activities. IPNs:
metaDataKey |
String |
This parameter is applicable if metadata was passed in the API request. The parameter name is the metadata key and the parameter value is the metadata value. For example, if the metadata key is "keyNumber1" and the metadata value is "value1", keyNumber1=value1 would be passed in the IPN. IPNs:
mobilePhone |
String |
The shopper's mobile phone number. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
newProductId |
Number |
ID of the new product, in the event of a subscription contract switch. IPN: Contract Change |
nextChargeDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Next scheduled charge date. IPNs: Payment Updated and Payment Update Failure |
numberOfAttemptsDone |
Number |
Number of failed subscription charge attempts. IPN: Subscription Charge Failure |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
offlineOrderId |
Number |
Relevant for a subscription paid using an offline payment method. This transaction should link to the Offline Order notification where the offlineOrderId is the same. IPNs:
oldContractId |
String |
Old contract ID before the contract was switched. IPNs: Contract Change and Recurring |
oldCustom[N] |
String |
Custom field value of the old contract (the first original contract) before contract was switched. IPN: Contract Change |
oldProductId |
Number |
ID of the old product, in the event of a subscription contract switch. IPN: Contract Change |
orderAmountUSD |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Amount in USD of the order. IPN: Offline Order |
orderChargeAmount |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Charge amount (in shopper's local currency) of the order. IPN: Offline Order |
orderChargeCurrency |
String |
Currency the customer was billed in of the order. IPN: Offline Order |
orderId |
String |
Order invoice ID. IPN: Offline Order |
originalCreditCardExpirationMonth originalCreditCardExpirationYear originalCreditCardLast4Digits |
Number |
The expiration month and year and the last four digits of the credit card prior to the update. IPN: Account Updater |
originalPublicAccountNumber originalPublicRoutingNumber |
Number |
The last 5 digits of the account number and routing number prior to the update. IPN: ACH Notification of Change |
originalRefNum |
Number |
Reference number of the initial transaction of the recurring contract. IPNs:
originalRequestUrl |
String |
URL from which the original request to the BuyNow checkout page took place. IPNs:
overridePrice |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Applicable if the price of the contract was overridden. Value is the amount charged to the shopper. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
payeeName |
String |
Payee name as defined in merchant name. IPN: Failed Payout Transfer |
payeePhoneNumber |
Number |
Payee’s phone number as defined in merchant's phone number or merchant's mobile phone number, if the former is blank. IPN: Failed Payout Transfer |
payeeEmail |
String |
Payee's main email address as defined in merchant's email address. IPN: Failed Payout Transfer |
paymentCycleStartDate paymentCycleEndDate |
String |
Indicates the first and last day of the payment cycle. IPNs: Payout, Payout, and Vendor Report Available |
paymentId |
String |
Unique reference ID for each payout. IPNs: Failed Payout Transfer, Payout, and Vendor Report Available |
paymentMethod paymentType |
String |
Possible values:
Method of payment (i.e. CC/Paypal/Wire). IPNs:
paymentURL |
String |
Link to the page with payment instructions for the shopper to renew their subscription. IPN: Subscription Reminder |
payoutPlannedDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
The date a payment is expected to be initiated according to your payout schedule. IPN: Vendor Report Available |
payoutStatus |
Yes |
Specifies if the merchant is set up for payout. IPNs:
paypalSubscriptionId paypalTransactionId |
Number |
Subscription ID and Transaction ID in the merchant's PayPal account. IPNs:
personalId |
String |
Personal identification number for shoppers in these countries: Argentina (DNI), Brazil (CPF/CNPJ), Chile (RUN), and Mexico (CURP/RFC) IPNs:
personalIdentificationNumber |
String |
Personal identification number for shoppers. IPNs:
proccessorCode |
String |
Deprecated — Do not use |
productId |
Number |
BlueSnap product ID. IPNs:
productName |
String |
Product name. IPNs:
promoteContractChargePrice{N} |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Price of the promotional contract in the currency the shopper was charged. IPNs:
promoteContractId{N} |
Number |
ID of the promotional contract. IPNs:
promoteContractLicenseKey{N} |
String |
License key linked to the promotional contract. IPNs:
promoteContractLocalPrice{N} |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Price of the promotional contract in the shopper's local currency. If the local currency is natively supported for the charge, this should be the same as promoteContractChargePrice. IPNs:
promoteContractName{N} |
String |
Name of the promotional contract. IPNs:
promoteContractOwner{N} |
String |
Contract owner's BlueSnap ID. Relevant if you are promoting another merchant's products. IPNs:
promoteContractPrice{N} |
String |
Promotional contract price in USD. It should not include any deductions or additions, no coupons, tax, or other. It should only list the price the customer paid for the contract in USD. IPNs:
promoteContractQuantity{N} |
Number |
Quantity of the promotional contract. IPNs:
promoteContractsNum |
Number |
Number of promotions. IPNs:
promoteProductId{N} |
Number |
ID of the promotional item. IPNs:
promoteProductName{N} |
String |
ID of the promotional item. IPNs:
promoteSubscriptionId{N} |
Number |
Subscription ID of the promotional contract. IPNs:
purchaseDate | mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Transaction date of the original invoice. IPNs:
Q and R
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
quantity |
Number |
Quantity ordered. IPNs:
recurringDisclaimer |
Y/N |
Indicates whether a shopper authorized a merchant to use their account details for future purchases via the API. IPNs:
referenceNumber |
Number |
BlueSnap reference number.
referrer |
String |
Referrer URL that the Customer came from to the BuyNow page. IPNs:
regulatedCard |
String Possible values: N: (default) Card is not regulated Y: Card is regulated |
Indicates if this card is regulated. IPNs:
reminderNumber |
Number |
Reminder number of the notice sent to the shopper (1, 2, or 3). IPN: Subscription Reminder |
remoteAddress |
String |
The IP address from which the request was sent. IPNs:
requestingParty |
String |
The card issuer that requested the status change. IPN: CC Status Changed |
responseDate |
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM |
Date the update was processed. IPNs:
responseMessage |
String |
Account Updater completion response code. IPNs:
resultCode |
String |
Recurring IPN is sent if there is a charge for the first contract. BlueSnap sends the status (successful or failure) of the charge for the contract. IPN: Contract Change |
reversalAmount |
String |
Amount of the refund. IPNs:
reversalReason |
String |
Reason for the refund or chargeback. IPNs:
reversalRefNum |
Number |
Reference number of the refund or chargeback. For the reference number of the original transaction, see the referenceNumber parameter in the IPN. IPNs:
routingNumber |
String |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
sealcomodovisible |
String |
Defines whether the Comodo seal is visible. |
sellerShopperId |
String |
A unique shopper ID assigned by the merchant. Relevant only for merchants using the Extended Payment API who send this in the request IPNs:
sendStatus |
String |
Status of the sent reminder (sent, failed, or sent by seller). IPN: Subscription Reminder |
sepaIban |
String Format: {first4}XXXXXXXXX{last4} |
sepaMandateDate |
Date |
Mandate date for the SEPA Direct Debit payment. IPNs:
sepaMandateId |
String |
Mandate ID for the SEPA Direct Debit payment. IPNs:
shippingAddress1 shippingAddress2 shippingCity shippingState shippingZipCode shippingCountry |
String |
Shipping address line 1, line 2, city, state, zip code, and country. IPNs:
shippingFirstName shippingLastName |
String |
Shipping first name and last name. IPNs:
shippingMethod |
String |
Shipping method, such as UPS or USPS. IPNs:
shopperAdminUrl shopperOrderUrl |
String |
Link to the shopper's order information page. IPNs:
shopperCurrency |
String |
Shopper's three-digit currency code. IPNs:
sourceInvoiceCaptureDate |
String |
If a chargeback is for an authorization with multiple captures, this identifies the invoice associated with the capture. For chargebacks processed through Chargebacks911 only. IPNs:
state |
String |
Shopper's state. IPNs:
status |
String |
The status of CB911 chargeback file upload. IPN: Chargeback File Uploaded |
status |
String |
The status of the shopper's card. IPNs:
statusChangeDate |
Date and time |
The date and time of the card status change. IPNs: CC Status Changed |
subscriptionId |
Number |
Subscription ID. The subscription ID is displayed in each recurring charge. IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
targetBalance |
String |
Where the transaction funds will be credited or refund made (could be BlueSnap account or Merchant PayPal account). IPNs:
taxAmountUSD |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Amount, in USD, of tax/VAT paid by a shopper for the order. IPNs:
taxChargeAmount |
Number Format: #,###.## |
Amount, in charge currency, of tax/VAT paid by a shopper for the order. IPNs:
taxRate |
String |
Rate of VAT, based on the shopper’s country. Value should be a percentage (%). IPNs:
templateId |
Number |
ID of the BuyNow skin (template) used for the purchase. If a default template was used (no parameter submitted to BuyNow), its ID will also be provided. IPNs:
testMode |
Y/N |
Test transaction made by the Merchant. IPNs:
threeDSecure |
String |
3D Secure status IPNs:
title |
String |
Shopper's title. IPNs:
transactionDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Date and time that the transaction occurred. IPNs:
transactionType |
String Possible values:
Indicates the transaction type IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
untilDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
The next scheduled renewal date of a subscription. This also includes the date of the next recurring charge. IPNs:
updatedCreditCardExpirationMonth |
Number |
Expiration month, year, and last 4 digits of the credit card after the update. IPN: Account Updater |
updatedCreditCardType |
String |
Credit card type after the update (i.e. Visa, Mastercard, etc.). IPN: Account Updater |
updatedPublicAccountNumber updatedPublicRoutingNumber |
Number |
The last 5 digits of the account number and routing number after the update. IPN: ACH Notification of Change |
username |
String |
Shopper's username. IPN: Charge |
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
vatId |
Number |
Shopper’s VAT ID, as provided during their purchase. IPNs:
vaultedShopperId |
Number |
A unique identification number assigned to the vaulted shopper by BlueSnap. IPNs:
vendorAccountOpenedDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Date the vendor account was opened. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorAccountStatus |
String Possible values: Active and Inactive |
Vendor's account status. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorAccountStatusChangedDate |
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi AM/PM |
Date the vendor account status changed. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendor[N].id |
Number |
Vendor's ID. Used to associate transactions with primary merchant. The [N] index associates the vendor ID to the corresponding vendor name. IPNs:
vendor[N].name |
String |
Vendor's name. The [N] index associates the vendor name to the corresponding vendor ID. IPNs:
vendorCommissionPercent |
String |
The percent of each vendor's commission at the time of the charge. Sent if absolute amount isn’t available. IPNs:
vendorCurrency |
String |
The vendor's currency. IPNs:
vendorId |
Number |
Vendor's ID. Used to associate transactions with primary merchant. IPNs:
vendorLocalAmount |
String |
The amount of each vendor's commission at the time of the charge. Sent if percentage isn’t available. IPNs:
vendorMissingFields |
String |
Contains missing vendor information. Sent when vendorPayoutStatus is N. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorName |
String |
Vendor's name. IPNs:
vendorPayoutDeclineReason |
String Possible values:
Reason for vendor decline. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorPayoutStatus |
String Possible values:
Vendor's payout status. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorProcessingStatus |
String Possible values: |
Vendor's processing status. IPN: Vendor Status Changed |
vendorUsdAmount |
String |
The USD amount of each vendor's commission at the time of the charge. Sent if percentage isn’t available. IPNs:
Name | Value | Description & IPNs |
walletType |
String |
Mobile wallet payment type that the shopper used for the transaction. IPNs:
workPhone |
String |
Shopper's work phone number. IPNs:
zip |
String |
Shopper's ZIP code. IPNs:
Updated about 1 month ago