Recent Transactions Report
Returns a list of all Sale, Refund, and Chargeback transactions that occurred in the last 4 hours. Data on this report is updated in real-time.
Report Columns
- The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
- All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
- This report displays one marketplace vendor per transaction, as data from multiple vendors is not supported at this time.
Column Name | Description |
Auth. Currency* | The currency of the order. |
Card Network | Applies to Credit Card Payment Type only (e.g. Amex, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, etc.). |
Invoice ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each captured sale, refund, or chargeback. |
Merchant Sales (Auth Currency) | The order value less any VAT or Tax collected by BlueSnap. The value provided is in the Auth Currency. |
Merchant Sales (USD) | The USD order value less any VAT or Tax collected by BlueSnap. |
Original Invoice ID | Applies to recurring charges, refunds, and chargebacks. For recurring charges, the value provided is the invoice ID for the first charge of the subscription. For refunds and chargebacks, the value is the Invoice ID for the sale being refunded or disputed. |
Payment Type* | Credit Card, PayPal, ACH, etc. |
Purchase Date | Applies to Refund and Chargeback Transaction Types only. The value is the Transaction Date for the Sale being refunded or disputed. |
Quantity | The product quantity purchased by the shopper. Refunds are indicated with Qty -1. |
Refund/Chargeback Reason | Applies to Refund and Chargeback Transaction Types only. The value is either the refund reason as submitted by the merchant or the chargeback reason provided by BlueSnap. |
Shopper Country | The shopper's country. |
Shopper Email | The shopper's email address. |
Shopper First Name | The shopper's first name. |
Shopper ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper. |
Shopper Last Name | The shopper's last name. |
Transaction Date | For Sales, the value equals the date the funds were captured. For refunds, the value equals the date the refund was issued. And for chargebacks, the value is the date the chargeback was received by BlueSnap. |
Transaction Time | Time of the transaction on the Transaction Date. |
Transaction Type* | Potential Values: - Chargeback - Chargeback Win - Refund - RDR - RDR Reversal - Sale - Second Chargeback |
Vendor/Affiliate Commission | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. Any amounts owed to Affiliates or Vendors from the transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate ID* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each marketplace vendor or affiliate. A value in this column means a vendor or affiliate is associated with a specific transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate Name* | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. The name of the vendor or affiliate associated with a specific transaction. |
Updated 5 months ago