Accounts Receivable (A/R) Dashboard


The A/R Dashboard is the default view when you log in. This section quickly identifies insights and trends for multiple areas of your business.


The A/R Dashboard includes the following sections:

  • Open Invoices: The number of open invoices
  • Total Open Amount: Total money amount of all open invoices
  • Past Due Invoices: Total number of all past due invoices
  • Total Past Due Amount: Total money amount of all past due invoices
  • Customers By Aging: Customer breakdown by aging bucket
  • Revenue vs Outstanding: Total money amount of paid and outstanding invoices created over a select time period
  • Projected Cashflow: Cash-flow projection over the selected period (by month, per quarter, and per year)
  • Top Outstanding Customers: Top 10 customers having largest outstanding balance
  • Days Sales Outstanding: Measure of the average number of days it takes a company to collect payment after a sale has been made (Last 30 days, this month, this quarter, this year, last month, last quarter, and last year)
  • Past Due: Rate of each aging bucket has changed over the selected period (Last 30 days, this month, this quarter, this year, last month, last quarter, and last year)