Payout Summary Statement Report

A summary of all events allocated by region, currency, and account type, including non-processing fees and manual adjustments. The data can be delayed up to 5 hours.



  • To access this report, go to Reports > Payout > Payout Summary Statement.
  • Data formats: All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.

Report Columns

Column NameDescription
Account Maintenance Fee (Affiliates/Vendors)This fee is charged when the minimum level of sales set forth in the BlueSnap contract is not met for the month. Unless contracted otherwise, the minimum is $2,500 per month.
Account UpdaterSuccessful Account Updater card repair.
Amount Paid to Vendor/AffiliateAny amounts owed to Affiliates or Vendors.
Bank Transfer Line IDThis number is included in the payout file sent to the bank. BlueSnap uses it to identify payments that fail in order to credit merchants' accounts.
CarryoverThe amount of funds added to (or deducted from) this payout's disbursement corresponding to sales withheld from a previous pay period.
Chargeback Dispute FeeThis fee is charged each time a chargeback dispute is submitted.
Chargeback FeeA chargeback occurs when a shopper does not recognize a transaction and contacts their issuing bank to dispute it. The card schemes (Visa, Mastercard...) charge a fee for every Chargeback, which we are obliged to pass to the merchant.
Chargeback TRR FeeA Transaction Retrieval Request (TRR) is a request from the issuing bank for more information about the transaction. Responding to these requests may prevent a future chargeback on the transaction.
Conveyance FeeA fee charged for each transaction settled directly with a 3rd party such as PayPal or American Express.
Declined AuthorizationsA per transaction charge on transactions that are declined at authorization. This charge is not applied to failover declines initiated by BlueSnap nor those declined renewal transactions through the BlueSnap Subscription Manager.
Direct Debit Refund FeeFee incurred upon refund of direct debit.
Disbursement currencyWill only be different from payout currency if merchant has requested BlueSnap to settle funds in an "exotic" currency (not one of the majors or minors). In this case, payout currency will always be USD, and Disbursement currency will be deposited in "exotic" currency requested.
ECP Reversal FeeFee incurred upon reversal of Electronic Check/ACH/Direct Debit.
Ethoca Alert Fee (Chargeback Alert Fee)A per transaction charge resulting from an issuer reporting a transaction as fraud to Ethoca.
Failover FeeA fee charged for each transaction that is initially declined and then ultimately successful as a result of BlueSnap’s failover functionality.
Fraud Monthly Fee & Fraud Transaction FeeBlueSnap's Smarter Payment Gatewayâ„¢ is integrated with an industry-leading fraud prevention system. Merchant chooses the level of customization that the business needs. Depending on the chosen level, a monthly or per transaction fee may apply.
Gross SalesVolume of sales (charges) processed in this period, including any applicable TAX/VAT collected by BlueSnap.
Inactivity FeeFee charged for no activity on account in the past 3 months.
Marketplace Vendor Management FeeA fee charged to your marketplace based on the gross amount paid out to each vendor managed by BlueSnap.
Net SalesVolume of sales minus chargebacks, RDRs, and refunds processed in this period.
Non-Compliance FeesAll merchants selling in-store or online, taking payments via credit and debit cards, must be compliant with PCI Standards. Our partner, Security Metrics, has asked you (depending on the integration method you have with BlueSnap) to fill in the appropriate PCI form. A monthly fee will charged if you fail to satisfy PCI requirements.
Non-Processing FeesMiscellaneous non-processing fees applicable for this period. This could be Fraud service fees, Account Maintenance, Transfer Fees, etc. They will be listed under "Non-processing Fees" section of the report.
Paid Directly by 3rd partyWhen a 3rd party processor settles funds directly to the merchant, BlueSnap will be deducting them from our settlement. For example, all of merchant PayPal sales are funded directly into the merchant PayPal business account. BlueSnap will settle the processing fee differential.
Payout CurrencyThe currency in which BlueSnap will settle this transaction to the merchant, except in the case where the base currency is an exotic currency where Payout Currency will be USD.
Payout Fee - ACH/Wire/SEPA/CHAPSFunds transfer fee.
Planned DateDate when a payment is due to take place.
Processing FeesBlueSnap's commission/processing fees on all transactions being paid for this period.
RDR AmountTotal of RDR value.
RDR CountTotal number of RDR invoices.
Refund ReserveAccount funds that you set aside to enable you to issue refunds even when your account balance is low.
Region**Region where deposit is processed (**only available for merchants on regional payout).
ReserveIf applicable, this value reflects either an increase (negative in your statement) or a decrease (positive in your statement) of the funds BlueSnap is holding for the merchant in reserve.
Tax/VAT remitted by BlueSnapThis is the portion of your Gross sales, that BlueSnap will retain and remit to the relevant authorities.
Transaction CurrencyCurrency of the transaction as it was sent for processing (authorized).
Transfer DateDate when payment actually took place. If the planned date falls on a weekend, holiday, or was delayed, these 2 dates will be different. In most cases, Planned Date and Transfer Date will be the same.
VAT on Non-Processing FeesTotal amount of VAT on non-processing fees.
VAT on Processing FeesTotal amount of VAT on processing fees.
Verify Processing (Chargeback Alert Fee)A per transaction charge for a dispute opened by the cardholder with their issuing bank.

Parameter Names

  • Payment ID
  • Time Periods
  • Region (only available for merchants on regional payout)