Hosted Pages Secure Payment Parameters
Create Token API
The following are parameters that can be included in a Create Token API request:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
authenticationRequired3ds | boolean | Optional | Pass true to ignore your 3DS excluded countries setting. |
cancelUrl | string | Required if not configured in your Payment Page Display settings. Otherwise, optional. | URL where BlueSnap directs the shopper if the transaction is cancelled. |
challengeRequested3ds | boolean | Optional | Default is false . This should only be set to true if the merchant wishes to mandate shopper identity verification as part of the 3D Secure authentication process. See 3D Secure Guide. |
currency | string | Optional | Currency code (ISO 4217) of the amount to be charged. Required for a regular transaction. Not relevant for a subscription. |
cvv | string | Optional | Pass mandatory to enforce collection of CVV for a saved card payment. |
expH | integer | Optional | Specifies the number of hours a JSON web token (JWT) expires after it is created. Accepts up to 8,760 . |
lineitems | array of objects | Required for a regular transaction. | (Not relevant for a subscription.) Each object in the array contains the line-item details of the transaction, such as the goods/services purchased or shipping. At least one line-item object must be included in the request. Each object contains the following properties:
merchantTransactionId | string | Optional | Merchant's unique ID for a new transaction. 1–50 characters. Special characters are not recommended. Not relevant for a subscription. |
mode | string | Required | Use the value ‘one_time’ for a regular transaction, or the value ‘subscription’ for a subscription. |
onBehalf | boolean | Optional | Default is false . This should only be set to true if the transaction is completed on behalf of the shopper and not by the shopper themselves. |
planItems | array of objects | Required for a subscription. | (Not relevant for a regular transaction.) The array contains exactly one plan-item object.The plan-item object contains the following properties:
shopperId | string | Optional | ID of the shopper. This can be used to associate saved details with a shopper, allowing them to use those details for the current transaction. See Returning Shoppers. |
successUrl | string | Required if not configured in your Payment Page Display settings . Otherwise, optional. | URL where BlueSnap will direct the shopper if the transaction is successful. For example, this might be a confirmation page. |
A successful response contains the following properties:
Property Name | Type | Description |
jwt | string | The JSON Web Token, used to initialize the Hosted Payment Page. |
| string | Was merchantTransactionId provided in the request?
sdkRequest object
is passed to bluesnap.redirectToPaymentPage
in Step 3 of the implementation process. This object contains the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
displayData | object | (Optional) Contains your Hosted Payment Page settings. Supports these properties. |
jwt | string | (Required) Your token from Step 2. |
sdkRequest.displayData property
The displayData
property of your sdkRequest
object supports these properties. All properties are Optional.
Property | Type | Description |
customFields | array of objects (10 max) | Each object in the array contains data to pre-populate the checkout page custom fields. If you wish to configure custom fields, refer to Configuring Page Display. Each object contains the following properties:
hiddenFields | array of objects (10 max) | Each object in the array contains a key and value pair, which will be attached to the transaction as part of the metaData array. Each object contains the following properties:
disabledCardBrands | array of strings | The card brands to disable for this transaction. Default is that all the supported card brands for your configuration will be available. Supported values:
| boolean | Default is false. This should only be set to true if the merchant wishes to disable country selection and they have provided a valid shopper country. |
disabledPaymentMethods | array of strings | The payment methods to disable for this transaction. Default is that all your supported payment methods will be available. Supported values:
iframeOptions | object | Settings that only apply if the Hosted Payment Page is in an iframe. Includes one parameter:
Note: ApplePay and PayPal are not supported in iframe mode. |
language | string | Language code (ISO 639-1). Supported values:
shopperInfo | object | Details about the shopper to pre-populate the checkout page. Supports these properties. |
softDescriptor | string | Description of the transaction, which appears on the shopper's credit card statement. Maximum 20 characters. |
sdkRequest.displayData.shopperInfo object
Supports the following properties. All properties are Optional, type: string.
Property | Description |
address1 | The shopper’s first address line. Only if full billing is required. |
address2 | The shopper’s second address line. Only if full billing is required. |
city | The shopper’s city. Only if full billing is required. |
country | The two-letter code of the shopper's country. |
email | The shopper’s email address. Only if email is required. |
name | The shopper's name. |
| The shopper's postal code. |
state | The two-letter code of the shopper's state. Currently supported only for the United States, Brazil, and Canada. For states in other countries, include the state within the address1 property. Only if full billing is required. |
Updated 2 months ago