Subscription Plans
Plans are how you specify your most common product and service packages.
Plans are a subscription template or type. While each subscription can be 100% customized, each one starts with a plan. Nearly every business that offers subscription/recurring billing has a concept of a plan. Think of the various plans offered by your cable provider, mobile phone carrier, or online software; they all offer different plan levels or service levels.
Review existing plans
You can review and edit all existing plans in the Plans tile in the Settings screen.
Create a new plan
- In the Settings screen, click Plans.
- In the Plans screen, click New Plan in the top-right of the screen.
- Enter the plan data.
- Click Save in the top-right of the screen.
Plan Data
Field | Required | Description |
Plan name | Y | This is how you refer to your plan. |
Interval | Y | The period of time between when invoices are created. Options are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, or Custom |
Products/Services | Y | The product or service the customer is being charged for. |
Price | Y | The amount the customer is charged. |
Plan Code | N | Used for internal plan identification. |
Duration | N | Changing duration to Limited Billing Cycles cancels the subscription after the specified number of invoices have been created. |
Days of Trial | N | The trial period is a period of time after the subscription is active but no invoices have been created yet. |
Currency | N | Change the currency of invoices created with this plan. |
One‑Time Line Items | N | Marking an item as One Time removes this line item from any invoice created after the initial invoice. |
Tax Line Items | N | Makes the item as Taxable. Note: This requires that a tax rate be set. |
Notes/Terms | N | This is displayed on any invoices created with this plan. |
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Updated 9 months ago