Callback URL Parameters for Hosted Checkout

Below are the parameters you can include in Hosted Checkout solution's Callback URL.

Merchant Data

seller.companyURLCompany name
seller.emailMerchant's email
seller.idMerchant's ID
seller.imageDirectoryPathPath to the directory that contains the merchant's images (http/s:[host_name]/developers/[seller_id])
seller.softDescriptorMerchant's soft descriptor

Contract Data

Replace * in these parameters with a number indicating the SKU's position in the cart. For example, for the first SKU in the cart, write sku[1].

sku[*].licenseAgreementContract's license agreement
sku[*].longDescriptionContract's long description
sku[*].nameContract's name
sku[*].optionalDescriptionContract's optional description
sku[*].quantityQuantity purchased
sku[*].shortDescriptionContract's short description
sku[*].specialInstructionsContract's special instructions
sku[*].supportEmailSupport email address shown in the contract
sku[*].trialURLContract's trial download link

Shopper Data

shopper.account.numberShopper's account number
For credit cards, this will be the last four digits of the card number
For ACH, this will be the last four digits of the account number
shopper.address1Shopper's address line 1
shopper.address2Shopper's address line 2
shopper.cityShopper's city
shopper.companyNameShopper's company name
shopper.countryShopper's country
shopper.emailShopper's email address
shopper.faxShopper's fax number
shopper.firstNameShopper's first name
shopper.iban.first.fourFirst four characters of shopper's IBAN
shopper.iban.last.fourLast four characters of shopper's IBAN
shopper.idShopper's ID
shopper.lastNameShopper's last name
shopper.payment.methodShopper's payment method
shopper.phoneShopper's phone number
shopper.stateShopper's state
shopper.titleShopper's title
shopper.userNameShopper's username
shopper.zipCodeShopper's ZIP code

Shipping Data

shipping.address1Shipping address line 1
shipping.address2Shipping address line 2
shipping.cityShipping city
shipping.countryShipping country
shipping.firstNameShipping first name
shipping.lastNameShipping last name
shipping.stateShipping state
shipping.zipCodeShipping ZIP code

Invoice Data

invoice.currencyCurrency on the invoice

Note: We recommend using a name such as chargeCurrency for this parameter. You should avoid using currency as a parameter name, as it may fail.
invoice.idInvoice ID
merchant.transaction.idA Unique ID assigned by the merchant to the transaction/order
invoice.statusStatus of the invoice

Values include:
• Approved: Order has been approved
• Canceled: Order has been cancelled
• Declined: Order has been declined
• Error: Order has been cancelled due to an error
• In Process: The order is being processed
• Pending: Order has not been processed yet
• Pending Vendor Review: Order is pending vendor review
invoice.taxTax amount on the invoice
invoice.totalTotal amount on the invoice

Invoice Contact Data

invoiceContact.address1Address line 1
invoiceContact.address2Address line 2
invoiceContact.companyNameCompany name
invoiceContact.faxFax number
invoiceContact.firstNameFirst name
invoiceContact.lastNameLast name
invoiceContact.phonePhone number
invoiceContact.zipCodeZIP code

Custom Fields

  • Replace the first * in this parameter with the ID of the custom field. You can find this in the contract's Custom Fields page.
  • Replace the second * with the relevant SKU ID. You can find this in the contract's BuyNow URL, on the Contract Settings page.
custom[*].sku.*Custom field used in the transaction
Example: custom[1234567].sku.9876543