Callback URL Parameters for Hosted Checkout
Below are the parameters you can include in Hosted Checkout solution's Callback URL.
Merchant Data
Parameter | Description |
seller.companyURL | Company name | | Merchant's email | | Merchant's ID |
seller.imageDirectoryPath | Path to the directory that contains the merchant's images (http/s:[host_name]/developers/[seller_id]) |
seller.softDescriptor | Merchant's soft descriptor |
Contract Data
Replace * in these parameters with a number indicating the SKU's position in the cart. For example, for the first SKU in the cart, write sku[1]
Parameter | Description |
sku[*].licenseAgreement | Contract's license agreement |
sku[*].longDescription | Contract's long description |
sku[*].name | Contract's name |
sku[*].optionalDescription | Contract's optional description |
sku[*].quantity | Quantity purchased |
sku[*].shortDescription | Contract's short description |
sku[*].specialInstructions | Contract's special instructions |
sku[*].supportEmail | Support email address shown in the contract |
sku[*].trialURL | Contract's trial download link |
Shopper Data
Parameter | Description |
shopper.account.number | Shopper's account number For credit cards, this will be the last four digits of the card number For ACH, this will be the last four digits of the account number |
shopper.address1 | Shopper's address line 1 |
shopper.address2 | Shopper's address line 2 | | Shopper's city |
shopper.companyName | Shopper's company name | | Shopper's country | | Shopper's email address |
shopper.fax | Shopper's fax number |
shopper.firstName | Shopper's first name |
shopper.iban.first.four | First four characters of shopper's IBAN |
shopper.iban.last.four | Last four characters of shopper's IBAN | | Shopper's ID |
shopper.lastName | Shopper's last name |
shopper.payment.method | Shopper's payment method | | Shopper's phone number |
shopper.state | Shopper's state |
shopper.title | Shopper's title |
shopper.userName | Shopper's username |
shopper.zipCode | Shopper's ZIP code |
Shipping Data
Parameter | Description |
shipping.address1 | Shipping address line 1 |
shipping.address2 | Shipping address line 2 | | Shipping city | | Shipping country |
shipping.firstName | Shipping first name |
shipping.lastName | Shipping last name |
shipping.state | Shipping state |
shipping.zipCode | Shipping ZIP code |
Invoice Data
Parameter | Description |
invoice.currency | Currency on the invoice Note: We recommend using a name such as chargeCurrency for this parameter. You should avoid using currency as a parameter name, as it may fail. | | Invoice ID | | A Unique ID assigned by the merchant to the transaction/order |
invoice.status | Status of the invoice Values include: • Approved: Order has been approved • Canceled: Order has been cancelled • Declined: Order has been declined • Error: Order has been cancelled due to an error • In Process: The order is being processed • Pending: Order has not been processed yet • Pending Vendor Review: Order is pending vendor review | | Tax amount on the invoice | | Total amount on the invoice |
Invoice Contact Data
Parameter | Description |
invoiceContact.address1 | Address line 1 |
invoiceContact.address2 | Address line 2 | | City |
invoiceContact.companyName | Company name | | Country | | |
invoiceContact.fax | Fax number |
invoiceContact.firstName | First name |
invoiceContact.lastName | Last name | | Phone number |
invoiceContact.state | State |
invoiceContact.zipCode | ZIP code |
Custom Fields
- Replace the first * in this parameter with the ID of the custom field. You can find this in the contract's Custom Fields page.
- Replace the second * with the relevant SKU ID. You can find this in the contract's BuyNow URL, on the Contract Settings page.
Parameter | Description |
custom[*].sku.* | Custom field used in the transaction Example: custom[1234567].sku.9876543 |
Updated over 1 year ago