Tax Rates

List of available tax rates

Tax rates allow you to include taxes in quotes and invoices.

  • If you're connected to an accounting system, tax rates are imported into your AR Automation account automatically. Your accounting system handles calculating tax rates.
  • If you're not connected to an accounting system, you can manually add tax rates in your AR Automation account.


Tax Rates and Subscriptions

If you modify or delete a tax rate in your accounting system, make sure to update any applicable AR Automation subscriptions. For example, if you delete a tax rate, update any subscriptions so they no longer use that tax rate.

Manually Create a Tax Rate

If you're not connected to an accounting system, you can manually create a tax rate in your AR Automation account by going to Settings > Tax Rates and completing the steps below.

  1. Click New Tax Rate.

  2. Enter the tax rate settings:

Tax Rate Display NameThe display name for the tax rate in your AR Automation account.
Tax Component NameThe name for the tax component. A tax component is the rate applied to an item when the tax rate is used (such as applicable federal, state, and local taxes).
Agency NameThe name of the agency (the government entity or political subdivision that imposes the tax).
Rate (%)Rate (percentage) for the tax component.
  1. (Optional) Add more tax components by clicking + Tax Component and filling out the applicable fields.

  2. When you're done, click Save.