Pending Refunds Report
Displays a list of all refunds pending processing due to insufficient balance funds.
Report Columns
- The report columns listed below with an asterisk (*) can be used to filter the results when you run the report.
- All reports show currency values in US format (i.e., 123,456.00) regardless of the currency being displayed.
Column Name | Description |
Auth. Currency | 3-digit code of the currency charged to shopper. |
Cancel Subscriptions | Indication of a canceled subscription (Y/N) when a pending refund is successfully processed. |
Company Name | The shopper's company name. |
Contract | SKU or item linked to the invoice. |
Contract ID | A unique value assigned to each contract created in the BlueSnap product catalog. |
ID | Refund processing request ID. |
Invoice ID* | ID on the invoice. |
Merchant ID* | BlueSnap merchant account number. |
Merchant Name | Name of the merchant. |
Merchant Transaction ID | A unique value sent by the merchant with a transaction request. |
Meta‑<The MetaData Key> | Displays new report columns when metadata keys are used; for example, if the metadata keys are Name, City, and Country, each of those keys will display as a column. The values in each row will be taken from the metadata values sent with each transaction, which correspond to the relevant key, such as Name=Dan. |
Multiple Vendor Data | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. Value is a comma-separated string of all vendor IDs and names associated with the transaction. For example: “1111111 (vendor1) , 2222222 (vendor2)”. |
On Demand Charge Description | The description of the merchant-managed subscription charge. This value is passed to BlueSnap in the Create Merchant Managed Subscription Charge request. |
Payout Currency | Payout Currency will be the same as the Disbursement currency unless the disbursement is an exotic currency. When disbursements are in an exotic currency, the Payout currency will be USD. |
Pending Refund Creation Date | The date the pending refund was created. |
Pre-allocated Invoice ID | The ID that is associated with the reversal/refund when and if successful. |
Product | Product name. |
Product ID | A unique value assigned to each product created in the BlueSnap product catalog. |
Recurring Cycle Number | The recurring cycle of the subscription the pending refund is associated with. |
Refund Amount | The amount of the refund. |
Refund Reason | The reason for the refund. |
Region | Region where deposit is processed (**only available for merchants on regional payout). |
Shopper Email | The shopper's email address. |
Shopper First Name | The shopper's first name. |
Shopper ID | A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each shopper. |
Shopper Last Name | The shopper's last name. |
Subscription ID | Subscription ID |
Vendor/Affiliate Commission (Auth. Currency) | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. Any amounts owed to Affiliates or Vendors from the transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate ID | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates only. A unique value assigned by BlueSnap to each marketplace vendor or affiliate. A value in this column means a vendor or affiliate is associated with a specific transaction. |
Vendor/Affiliate Name | Applies to Marketplaces and Affiliates. The name of the vendor or affiliate associated with a specific transaction. |
Updated about 1 year ago